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How do I go to Los Clavos French Alps Chalet ?

Address: 1027 route de forgeassoud, 74450 Saint-Jean de Sixt, FRANCE. You can find this address on Google maps easily.
Closest airport: Geneva international airport is about 1 hr drive. You can get a shuttle to Saint-Jean de Sixt or a taxi to the chalet.
Closest train station: Annecy. From there you can take a bus to Saint-Jean de Sixt and we'll pick you up at the bus station

What about insurance ?

We request you to check that your personal insurance covers the specific activity you'll do with us. If it's not covered, please subscribe to a supplementary insurance.

What should I take with me?

  • sun hat
  • sunglasses
  • high protection sunscreen
  • comfortable yoga outfit. We can lend you a yoga mat if you don't have one
  • personal medications
  • your favorites books
  • cash for personal expenses
  • bathing suit in case you want a spa treatment

Specific equipment for Snowshoeing:

  • waterproof mountain shoes compatible with snowshoes
  • warm and comfortable socks

Is wifi available ?

Free wifi is available at Los Clavos French Alps Chalet. However, we ask our guests not to use their phone and internet during meal times, to encourage social times!

Is laundry available ?

A laundry service is available at the chalet for 7€.

Are towels and linens provided ?

Yes, we provide you with bath towels and linens for your bed.

Los Clavos is also located in Nicaragua, by the Pacific ocean, where a small surf camp with 4 ocean view bungalows can host you. Over there you'll find the same kind of outdoor and sporty vacation, with heaps of surf and yoga and the same friendly atmosphere. You can learn how to surf in warm water all year long. More info on www.los-clavos.com

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